@GameOfThrones | Mother's Mercy (4/4)

I know, I'm a week late. But I didn't get time to watch the season 5 finale, until now. And was it crazy? It was! 


Jon Snow's dead? I'm not honestly sure. Although there was lot of blood. But he didn't get decapitated. Plus, Melisandre is back. So, she might revive him? Or will she revive Stannis? Although, he didn't get decapitated either. Just a flung sword, but we didn't see more. So, he may not be dead either. I'm not trusting GOT, but we know that anyone can die (except Daenerys & Tyrion, I think) in GOT. But still, Jon Snow's murder was a HUGE shocker. I did not expect that, I did not see it coming. He was finally seeming less mopey and more fun. Specially after last episode where he killed a White Walker. I mean, c'mon, why kill him now? WHY? 

The other shocker for me was "Cersei's Walk of Shame". I didn't expect that either. Not that brutal. Even though most of us pretty much hate her, we still felt bad. That's good writing, good acting, good direction and good character development. Good Job!... But these guys are F*ed now. She won't leave them. I'm just wondering what kinda brutal death she has in mind from them. Atterall "The Mountain" is back and he's upgraded to version-2.

Rest of the things were quite expected, but still leave BIG cliffhangers... Daenerys is back with Dothrakis. Isn't she still the Khaleesi? It should work out, right? Else there's always the sleepy dragon, Drogon. And we are all happy about Tyrion taking over Mereen. And with Varys back, it's going to be awesome!

I'm not sure how to feel about Myrcella's death. The father-daughter scene was interesting, but lasted like 5 seconds. Although, they should have never trusted the Sands... Finally Theon woke-up from being Reek, but seems he thinks of himself as Superman now. He plans on jumping off the Fort wall with Sansa and flying off? Or just end up with shattered knees and broken legs, to crawl out of Winterfell? We will see...

And I really don't care about Arya getting blind. Although her killing of Trant was cool. He deserved and she deserved it too. To kill him and get blind, both. You can't be slapping faces on and not listening to "no one". 

****spoliers end***

So the episode was interesting and fun. Yet again, great performances and amazing cinematography. I can't wait for season-6 already. I know we have to, and I'm waiting already!

Note: These ratings and review are personal opinion of the author.