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The Flash - Season 2 - The Man Who Saved Central City (3/4)

The season 2 premier of The Flash wasn't as flashy or exciting as I was hoping for. But it was still interesting and nice. Some old characters have left, but new characters are joining the story and the cast, which is nice. And although the episode started on a down note, it ended on a high.


The episode opens with a reuniting of the original Team Flash, including Ronnie and Dr Wells. Yes, Dr Wells. But it all turns out to be dream, where Barry is a lone wolf, 6 months after the "incident". Barry did save Central City from the black hole, but both Ronnie and Eddie died, saving the day. Barry is back to moping, and turned into a mopey lone wolf. But when a new meta Atom Crusher arrives, he cant defeat him by himself. We get to see Dr Wells again, in a video message telling Barry that he was never his true enemy. And leaves his confession about killing Norah on video, so his dad can be freed. The family reunion was kinda stretched but still nice. With help from the Team Flash, Barry is able to defeat Atom Crusher, but he dies saying "Zoom", asked him to kill Flash. So, Zoom is coming! And at the end, we see Jay Garrick. Yes, 2 Flashes!!

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So overall it was nice episode. Scenes seem long and mopey, with not enough action. We definitely missed Dr Wells, hope he comes back some how. And hopefully with Jay Garrick and Zoom in equation, it'll get interesting again. Looking forward for next episode... and Arrow!