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Arrow - Season 4 - Green Arrow (3/4)

The Season 4 premier of Arrow was fun. I don't think anyone was surprised to see Oliver Queen back, but it was nice to see him finally become the Green Arrow. The show has handled this transition beautifully. After Deathstroke and Ra's Al Ghul, Damien Dahrk seems like a great villain to welcome. And the episode raised some new questions which we will be looking answers for.


Oliver Queen is enjoying his leisurely life with Felicity as a couple, making dinners & desserts with new friends. As he's ready to propose to Felicity, he's interrupted by Thea and Laurel. Star City (renamed from Starling City, in memory of Ray Palmer) is under attack one more time, and this time it's the Ghosts being lead by Damien Dahrk. He's not a meta, he's mystical with super powers like telekinesis, healing and sucking out life of others. So Oliver has to be back in a new green Suit, and become Green Arrow. 

But Who is Damien Dahrk? Why is detective Lance working with him? His wife is in trouble I guess? Or he can bring Sara back? In flashback - What happened on island this time? I'm guessing he finally left form there lol... And in flashfuture - whose grave is it? Felicity? Thea? Laurel? Diggle? Detective Lance? WHO?!?!?

***spoilers end***

It was good to see Arrow as Green Arrow, and back in action. It was interesting to see Diggle in that mask, but they can do better. And he needs to stop being mopey.Also Damien seems a good villain. Let's see if he's better than Deathstroke and Ra's Al Ghul. I hope Deathstroke comes back too. Looking forward to next episode.